ZenmaX physical, mental and spiritual detox retreats, as you grow up you become pervaded with worldly conditioning;
Inwardly emotions and desires distract you from reality, while outwardly material things and events tax your body.
InternationalTaikiken workshops and retreats, they offer you training in all the Natural Tuning elements: Taikiken, Taijiquan, Qigong. Taoist psychology and much more.
Trainers & organizers are Ron Nansink and Nadia Kotrchova.
This is the opportunity for anyone who wants to be more Self-driven in his or her daily life and activities. The workshops are inspiring physical and mental journeys into one's primitive self to find and grow inherited natural talents.
Essential skills for a healthy & enjoyable lifestyle. Sport, health and entertainment network,
Yasuhide Takagi was born in Tokyo in 1954. He got shisei-kenpou 5th-dan "renshi", a title bestowed on only a handful of Mr. Sawai's students, and is now the head of Taikiken Shisei jyuku
About the Sino-Japanese martial art Taikiken and related topics
Cook Ding's Kitchen RICK MATZ'S
new presence on the web. Featuring a stew consisting of a look at History, Poetry (mostly Haiku and Cinquains), Strategy, Zen, Books and Movies. Daoism, martial arts, Japanese Language study, Art, Tea, and commentary on events of the day that leave you wondering "Who needs fiction?"
Jean-Luc Lesueur is a Yi-chuan student of master Li and Taiki student of master Sawal. He is very active in promoting and organizing workshops and seminars in Taiki, Viguan, Tai chi chuan, Shuai Jiao (Chinese wrestling and more, open for international participants.