Satoshi AMANO a direct Taikiken student of Kenichi Sawai.
Is one of the well known modern Taikiken teachers who were direct students of master Kenichi Sawai.
Sensei Amano is highly respected in the martial arts community, and is known for his ability to effectively teach martial arts to people of all ages and skill levels. He is a firm believer in the importance of physical and mental discipline, and encourages his students to practice regularly and to strive for self-improvement in all aspects of their lives.
If you are interested in learning more about TAIKIKEN and Sensei Satoshi Amano, we encourage you to attend one of his workshops or seminars, or to study his books and videos. You can also visit his official website, where you can find information about upcoming events, products, and services, as well as a wealth of resources on the philosophy and techniques of Taikiken.
Satoshi Amano recently published an extended series of Taikiken kenpu instruction dvd’s.