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Internal Martial Arts




True mercury is not mercury

of the mundane world;

True lead is not lead that comes from mines.

One is sense, one is essence, the primordial medicines; Refining them, returning to the root, there is great restoration.


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Martijn Engelbregt: ‘Ritsuzen is a form of gevoelskunde!’

Martijn Engelbregt: ‘Taikiken is a form of gevoelskunde!’

• Training without having to, every week in De Beeck

Martijn is an experienced martial artist who started with Healing Tao with Reinoud Eleveld and later specialised in Taikiken training with Ron Nansink and Nadja Kotrchova. For two decades, he participated in their training in Amsterdam and in many of the Taikiken Natural Tuning workshops in Czechia.

16 years ago, I came into contact with the wonderful world of Taikiken through Ron Nansink. At that time, I was far from home. I was unaware that I barely inhabited my body and that I often placed my consciousness outside of it. Somewhere high, behind my head, so that I didn't have to physically deal with everything that seemingly happened to me in this life.

With Ron's lessons, I discovered a desire to give that consciousness hands and feet again, from relaxation and with joy, playfully. And in doing so, to become friends again with my belly and my heart.

Not from having to, not from trying my best. Simply because it was enjoyable to do, because I had fun doing it.

The journey that began then has taken me to many different places. From Amsterdam, where Ron taught his classes, to the rugged rocks of the Czech Paradise, where Ron, together with Nadja Kotrchova, annually offers the summer week Natural Tuning, up to a weekly training in the sports hall in Bergen.

I initially give trainings solely for myself. To stay active, to practice relaxation, to peel away layers of having to and trying my best. In doing so, I discover the richness of everything that is to be felt. Not wanting to get rid of certain feelings that I negatively label. Not wanting to eliminate feelings that I happen to positively label. Simply giving attention in my body to what is. Discovering that I still have the tendency to leave parts of my body, that I still let my attention drift away, and facing it without judgment, so that the treasures lying beneath can emerge.

But to be honest, I find it even more enjoyable when people participate. When we open and broaden the field of practice and feeling together. When we can develop our own Gevoelskunde from not-having-to, from not-doing, from not-knowing.

Every Thursday in De Beeck in Bergen. On Mondays in the magical dunes. You are welcome! https://www.facebook.com/engelbregt

Training without having to, every week in De Beeck
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Last update: February 2025

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