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Internal Martial Arts




Clear calm and serene felicity are essential for human nature. Exemplars ad guidelines are regulators of affairs. If you know human nature, your self-development will not be warped. If you know how affairs are regulated, your actions will not be confused. 


Akio Sawai showing Taikiken Hakkei.
Kenichi Sawai sensei showing Taikiken Hakkei.

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Boost Your Strength and Mind with Intake of Ki and Hakkei

At the conclusion of the swaying motion, return to the original position (Fig.1). Taking a half step on your left foot, bring your right hand to your left hand and inhale deeply (Figs.2 and 3). Next, taking a half step forward on your right foot and bringing your right hand to your left and, inhale deeply again (Figs.4 through 6). This intake of breath represents a concentration of strength and psychological force. 

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Last update: November 2024

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