For harmonious attunement, movement is valuable, for careful concentration,
stillness is valuable.
Movement is patterned on heaven, stillness is patterned on earth, when body and mind are both calm, heaven and earth join.
Alain STOLL Sensei and his expertise in Taikiken, Taijiquan, Karate, and Qigong. Learn from a true master with years of experience.
Born in May 1948, I start Budo by Karate Shotokan in 1963.
Along with the practice of Karate I started studying Taikiken in 1987 by Jean Luc Lesueur Sensei and Jan Kallenbach Sensei by seminar in France and in Amsterdam.
Between 1974 and 1976 I went two times 6 month to Japan to improve my Karate, but also study the sword in the school of Omori Sogen Sensei (Kashima Shinden Jiki Shinkage-Ryu), Jo Jutsu at Shimizu Takaji Sensei (Shindo Muso-Ryu).
From 2001/2002 until 2003 I would do many trips to Japan, to settle there on a consistent basis from 2004 to 2011. During the entire period I stayed in Japan, I studied in the Dojo Michio Shimada Sensei Tokyo Shinjuku (2-3 times in week) and meet many Taikiken Sensei (Amano, Kashimura, Sato Seiji died the last year).
During this long period, I give courses Kenpo and Taijiquan to the Japanese in Tokyo and Yokohama (I was living in Yokohama).
In April 2006 I created my school Budo at Yokohama: Seishinkan Kenpo International.
In Japan I also received a teaching of Kyudo in the Dojo Hachimangu Shinto Shrine in Kamakura and 3 years of Shodo in Yokohama (By women Sensei).
I return to France in 2011, Jan Kallenbach Sensei called me Taikiken Renshi in June.
From 2011 I’m back in France and I 'm based in the South West of France, at the foot of the Pyrenees where I built my private Dojo and teach essential the Taikiken and Taijiquan/Kiko.
As soon as I arrived in Japan in 2004, I stop completely Karate and devoted myself exclusively to Taikiken.
My current Budo status in France is: Teacher:
Taikiken Renshi, Taijiquan & Qigong/Kiko with a qualification of State of French 2nd Degree Diploma of State and Dan 5. in Karate recognized by the French Federation of Karate and Associated Discipline.
Since my return to France I endeavor to develop the Taikiken in a spirit of confidentiality and quality.
My current group is up in France twenty students. I also develop since 2015 a group in Italy in Florence. New people in Italy are interested in my teaching. New groups are expected soon in Genoa, Trieste and Rome. I am also in touch with Slovenia and Croatia.
Since I left Japan, I always talk Relations a Sensei 3rd generation, this is Shimamura Naotake Sensei: Renshi, Godan. Leader from the Tochigi Taikiken Branch by Oyama City (120 km North from Tokyo). He came to lead a seminar at in my Dojo the last year.
For obscure reasons the relations with Shimada Sensei ruptured!
I'm going to Japan in June/July 2016 for 3 weeks to Shimamura Sensei. Or I'll certainly meet Iwama and Yoshimichi Sato Sensei.