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Internal Martial Arts




The Taikiken pages, a compact introduction of Taikiken and Kenichi Sawai's book 

- The Essence of Kung Fu

& profiles of known and unknown martial artists who practice Taikiken.


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"Experience the Benefits of Hachidankin: The 800-Year-Old Exercise for Fitness and Health"

Hachidankin (baduanjin) exercise has been in existence for more that eight hundred years.

Because of its effectiveness for keeping fit it was accepted by the Shaolin monks as one of the basic entering exercises for Shaolin Wushu.

Unlike Shaolin Hard kung fu and the rest of Shaolin style for combat, the eight section brocade is a form of soft qi gong.

The eight section brocade is an ideal life time exercise for most people. 

It is especially recommended for people who work at desks and or with computers every day.

Regular practice of this exercise can strengthen one's internal organs as well as one's muscles and tendons.

Effectiveness for keeping fit, ease in learning and economy of exercising time are the main features of the exercise. 

Rather than emphasing special muscles, every part of your organism can take part in the exercise. 

The characteristic of the exercise is self stretching, with breathing coordinated to the body movements.

As one is practicing the exercise, both the breathing and the body movement. 

Hachidankin 4 Separating Heaven and Earth.
Hachidankin 2 Lift the ground and hold the sky.
Hachidankin 1 Relax Posture beginning.
Hachidankin 3 Draw the bow  to the left.

Draw the bow 

to the left


Heaven and Earth

Relax Posture


Lift the ground and

hold the sky

Hachidankin 5 Looking backwards Left.
Hachidankin 5-1 Looking backwards Right.
Hachidankin 6a Stand on your toes.
Hachidankin 6 Pressing the  floating board.

Looking backwards


Looking backwards


Pressing the 

floating board

Stand on your toes

Hachidankin 9 Relax Posture end.
Hachidankin 7 Punching with Angry Gaza.
Hachidankin 8 Touch your toes and slowly straighten up.

Relax Posture


Punching with

Angry Gaza

Touch your toes

and slowly straighten up

Hachidankin symmetric 2 Lift the ground and hold the sky.

Hachidankin revised symmetric form.

Hachidankin symmetric 1 Relax Posture beginning.

This form developed over the years, the main change is performing the postures symmetric left end right. Press the floating board changed to lifting the heavy table. 


"Hachidankin (baduanjin) is non-strenuous and can be done by anyone of any age.

 It will regulate your digestion and metabolism, thus helping with weight loss.

 It takes less than 10 minutes a day to perform.

 It is very easy to learn...no matter how uncoordinated you are.

 It will stretch and tone all of your muscles, thus increasing your flexibility.

 It will help relieve neck, back, and shoulder pain.

 It will make your muscles (especially your legs) stronger.

 It will stimulate your lymphatic system and help detoxify the body of environmental poisons.

 It will develop a calm, focused mind.

 It helps relieve depression and anxiety.

 It requires no special equipment and can be done anywhere, anytime.

 It will harmonize and stimulate all of your acupuncture meridians.

Relax Posture


Lift the ground and

hold the sky

Hachidankin symmetric 4 Left Separating Heaven and Earth.
Hachidankin symmetric 4a Right Separating Heaven and Earth.
Hachidankin symmetric 3 Draw the bow  to the left.
 Hachidankin symmetric 3a Draw the bow  to the right,

Draw the bow 

to the left

Draw the bow 

to the right

Right Separating

Heaven and Earth

Left Separating

Heaven and Earth

Hachidankin symmetric 5 Looking backwards Left.
Hachidankin symmetric 5a Looking backwards Right.
Hachidankin symmetric 6 Stand on your toes.
Hachidankin symmetric 6 Lifting the heavy table.

Comments on the Sequence and names of the movements in the Hachidankin

There is no universal agreement as to the sequence and the names of the movements in the Hachidankin. The illustrations show the sequences we use in our training.

Looking backwards


Lifting the

heavy table

Looking backwards


Stand on your toes

Hachidankin symmetric 9 Relax Posture end.
Hachidankin symmetric 7 Punching with Angry Gaza Right.
Hachidankin symmetric 7a Punching with Angry Gaza Left.
Hachidankin symmetric 8 Touch your toes and slowly straighten up

Illustrations: Rinus Schulz

Punching with

Angry Gaza Right

Punching with

Angry Gaza Left

Touch your toes

and slowly straighten up

Relax Posture


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Last update: February 2025

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