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Internal Martial Arts

Those who do not see great meaning

do not know that life is not worth greed. 

Those who have not heard great words 

do not know that dominion over the world is not worth considering the advantage. 


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The Essence of Kung-fu


by Kenichi Sawai


Sunday morning training in Meiji Jingu, Tokyo, with Sawai sensei.
Groups photo Japanese Martial Artists, with Kenichi Sawai and Mas Oyama.
Sawai Sensei practicing Tanshu Meiji Jingu park Tokyo/
Ron Nansink trying to copy Sawai senseis moves in Meiji Jingu.
Sawai Sensei watching the Taikiken students during the Sunday morning training in Meiji Jingu, Tokyo.

"Discover the Essence of Kung-fu with Taikiken: A Brief Introduction to Kenichi Sawai's 1976 Classic - The First Taikiken Book in English!"

Taikiken The Essence of Kung-fu

by Kenichi Sawai published in Japan in 1976

The first book in Taikiken in English

There are no fixed forms in Taikiken. Although this book presents methods of defense and attack they are only examples of the kinds of attacks and defences that are possible. Practicing to perfect Zen and hai constitute the basis of training. When one comes into contact with an opponent, one's body must be able to move with complete freedom. Forcing large and small people to practice the same forms is meaningless. Furthermore, excess attention to forms only kills freedom of motion. Taikiken aims at allowing each individual to use the body motions that suit him. This is both the outstanding merit and one of the greatest difficulties of Taikiken. A person only begins to bud as a true practitioner of martial arts of the inner school when he is able to employ the movements that are inherent in his own body. It is because Taikiken allows the person to evolve his own forms of motion that it is sometimes referred to as lacking, yet having, forms. 

One of the important points in Taikiken training is the disassociation of the body parts; the arms must be trained to act on their own and alone. The same is true of the feet and legs.

The Taikiken book is out of print for some time now.

Occasionally secondhand books are offered on: www.amazon.com

Sawai sensei teaching Kumite during the Sunday morning training in Meiji Jingu.
Sawai sensei watching his Taikiken students in Meiji Jingu.
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Last update: February 2025

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